I HAVE RECENTLY READ - List of Articles

1. MRI Diagnosis of Accreta By Andrew D. Hull and Michele A. Brown

2. Decreased fetal movement protocol did not reduce fetal death (October 2018)
3. Timing of Tdap vaccination during pregnancy (October 2018)
4. Low-dose aspirin and spontaneous preterm birth (October 2018)
5. Choice of follow-up testing after a positive first-trimester Down syndrome screening test (August 2018)
6. Maternal antenatal exposure to sildenafil and risk for neonatal death (August 2018)
7. Cervical pessary after arrested preterm labour does not improve neonatal outcome (July 2018)
8. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of miscarriage (July 2018)
9. Platelet counts in pregnancy (July 2018)
10. AASLD/IDSA recommendations on HCV screening during pregnancy (June 2018)
11. Targets for blood pressure control during pregnancy (May 2018)
12. Glyburide versus insulin for treatment of gestational diabetes (May 2018)
13. Prenatal caffeine consumption and postnatal growth in offspring (April 2018)
14. Immediate versus delayed pushing (October 2018)
15. Intravenous versus intramuscular oxytocin for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage (September 2018)
16. Discontinuation of oxytocin in the active phase during induction (September 2018)
17. Guidelines for regional anaesthesia in patients receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic medications (August 2018)
18. Prophylactic use of tranexamic acid at vaginal delivery (August 2018)
19. Uterotonic drugs for preventing postpartum hemorrhage (August 2018)
20. Balloon catheter volume for cervical ripening (August 2018)
21. ACOG endorses shared decision-making for elective induction at 39 weeks (August 2018)
22. Neuraxial analgesia and risk of operative vaginal delivery (August 2018)
23. Heat-stable carbetocin for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage (July 2018)
24. Pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders and risk for cardiovascular disease (July 2018)